
Let’s Begin The Journey Together

There is a Tibetan saying; “live each moment and the years will take care of themselves”. How should we live each moment? What is the best way to live each day? What is my purpose?” These are tough question and each of them is answered through our daily intentions and actions.


These are universal challenges around which we plan our lives in the present moment and through our commitment to future goals. At LifeForceIQ we recognize that the platform that allows you to live life with a positive and productive orientation is wellness. A healthy physique full of vitality, having mental clarity and strong learning habits, managing daily stress and effectively sleeping are the dimensions of LifeForce from which we can rise. First we want to assist you in being healthy and then to performing at optimal states that seems attainable only in the movies about superheroes. Why not live your dreams? What can be conceived, can be achieved, if the goal is SMART: Specific, Measurable, Aligned with your future vision, Realistic, and accountable to a timeline. LifeForceIQ provides science based tools and supplements for training your LifeForce and creating daily rituals to close the gap between who you are today and who you will become tomorrow.
My name is David Weinstein and with my wife Leidy we look forward to providing you with external resources, information, and guidance from both ourselves and leaders in each area of wellbeing so that you can enter a state of high performance pokebud. We encourage you to become a member of our community and join likeminded people on the journey. When we walk alone it is hard to get up after falling down Whether you are an athlete or just want to look good naked, feel stressed and tired and want peak energy, feel like you left your best thinking days in school and want to be mentally, or have trouble sleeping, LifeForceIQ is for you. We invite you to take the journey with us and we are pleased to introduce ourselves to you on our YouTube channel as well We are also proud to announce that together with The Marketing Heaven, we have obtained a large number of subscribers, which speaks for itself when customer satisfaction is taken into account. Goto our site 99 tradesman and read more.
I just attended the 2017 Bulletproof conference in Pasadena Pokebud, California. I was exciting to speak with Dave Asprey – the founder of Bulletproof who coined the term Biohacking.


Here is how Dave explains it: “Biohacking is the art and science of changing the environment around you and inside you, so you have more control over your own biology,” Asprey explains. “It’s what you put in your mouth, it’s the air you breathe, it’s the light you’re exposed to. Most people have twice as much energy potential, but they’re doing hundreds of small things that hold them back.” Dr. Mercola talked about lifestyle design and actions we should take to design our environment, Jim Qwik spoke about supercharging your brain, Naveen Jain illustrated how the bacteria in our gut influence our genes and what to do about it, and Dr. Michael Breus (The Sleep Doctor) provided incites on the art of sleeping well. Over the next few weeks I will provide some additional detains on what these speakers aid that you can use to upgrade you daily rituals with our site.





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